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Python Click Return The Helper Menu

I just started using python click module and I would like to have it automatically bring up the '--help' function anytime click throws an error. @click.command() @click.opt

Solution 1:

In short, you need to modify the method But, I have posted a more in-depth answer to this question, along with sample code, in the answer to this SO post.

Solution 2:

If you're using Click 4.0+, you can disable automatic error handling for unknown options using Context.ignore_unknown_options and Context.allow_extra_args:

import click

    'allow_extra_args': True,
    'ignore_unknown_options': True,
def hello(ctx):
    if ctx.args:

if __name__ == "__main__":

In that case, your command will receive the remaining arguments in ctx.args list. The disadvantage is that you need to handle errors yourself or the program will fail silently.

More information can be found at the docs in the Forwarding Unknown Options section.

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