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Cannot Import Asgi_application Module While Runserver Using Channels 2

I have followed the channels tutorial but while running these error throw Version of the packages is channels==2.1.2 Django==2.0.4 what I missed ? in INSTALLED_APPS = [

Solution 1:

In my case it was wrong import in different file.

What you should do is

python shell
from mysite.routingimport application

Look what exact error it produces and try to fix that

Solution 2:

Just change

ASGI_APPLICATION = mysite.routing.application


ASGI_APPLICATION = "routing.application"

Solution 3:

Check for any potential errors (maybe import error) in Also, try to put channels as the first item in INSTALLED_APPS in

As stated in channels document:

The Channels development server will conflict with any other third-party apps that require an overloaded or replacement runserver command. An example of such a conflict is with whitenoise.runserver_nostatic from whitenoise. In order to solve such issues, try moving channels to the top of your INSTALLED_APPS or remove the offending app altogether.

Solution 4:

You need to put your file inside mayapp/mayapp/ instead of mayapp/

Solution 5:

In case anybody comes along this. Remember: ASGI_APPLICATION = "myapp.routing.application" should go at the bottom of to ensure nothing get snagged in production!


from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
import myapp.routing

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    # (http->django views is added by default)'websocket': AuthMiddlewareStack(


from django.urlsimport path
from . import consumers

websocket_urlpatterns = [
    path('chatroompage', consumers.ChatConsumer),

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