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Parsing Big Text File Using Regex

I have a huge text file (1 GB), where each 'line' is separated by ##. For example: ## sentence 1 ## sentence 2 ## sentence 3 I'm trying to print the file according to the ## separ

Solution 1:

This will read the file in chunks (of chunksize bytes) thus avoiding memory issues related to reading too much of the file all at once:

import re
def open_delimited(filename, delimiter, *args, **kwargs):
    with open(filename, *args, **kwargs) as infile:
        chunksize = 10000
        remainder = ''
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
            pieces = re.split(delimiter, remainder + chunk)
            for piece in pieces[:-1]:
                yield piece
            remainder = pieces[-1]
        if remainder:
            yield remainder

filename = 'post.txt'
for chunk in open_delimited(filename, '##', 'r'):

Solution 2:

You can use islice.

from itertools import islice

file = open('file.txt', 'r')
while True:
  slice = islice(file, buffer)
  to_process = []
  for line in slice:
  if not to_process:
  #process to_process list

buffer is the number of lines you want to read at a time (you have to define the int).

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