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How To Get The Individual Count Of Field From Elasticsearch

My content inside a dictionary is below test= [ { 'masterid': '1', 'name': 'Group1', 'BusinessArea': [ { 'id': '14', 'name': 'Accounting', 'parentname': 'Finance'}, { 'id': '3', 'n

Solution 1:

If you want to get the individual count of the field you can use the terms aggregation that is a multi-bucket value source-based aggregation where buckets are dynamically built - one per unique value.

Search Query:

  "aggs": {
    "countNames": {
      "terms": {
        "field": ""

Search Result:

"aggregations": {
    "countNames": {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
      "buckets": [
          "key": "Accounting",
          "doc_count": 2
          "key": "Research",
          "doc_count": 2
          "key": "Engineering",
          "doc_count": 1

Update 1:

If you want to have an individual count of the field for Designation as well as BusinessArea

Search Query:

  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "countNames": {
      "terms": {
        "field": ""
    "designationNames": {
      "terms": {
        "field": ""

Search Result:

"aggregations": {
    "designationNames": {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
      "buckets": [
          "key": "L1",
          "doc_count": 3
          "key": "L2",
          "doc_count": 3
    "countNames": {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
      "buckets": [
          "key": "Accounting",
          "doc_count": 2
          "key": "Research",
          "doc_count": 2
          "key": "Engineering",
          "doc_count": 1

Solution 2:

You can simply use the count API of elasticsearch to get the count of All the documents in the elasticsearch index or based on a condition as shown in the same doc.

For your case, it should be like

GET /<your-index-name>/_count?q=name:BusinessArea

Or, if masterid is the Unique-id in your document, you can simply use

 GET /<your-index-name>/_count

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