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Mapping Dictonary A Key With Multiple Values To Json In Python

I am trying to map a dictionary with one key that has multiple values into python. Here is what I got. import json list =['abe','matt','roscoe'] key='name' nodes={} nodes.setdefau

Solution 1:

You have a list of names, like this

>>> names = ['abe', 'matt', 'roscoe']

You just need to iterate the names, and create a new dictionary on every iteration to get the list of dictionaries, like this

>>> json.dumps([{"name": name} for name in names])
[{"name": "abe"}, {"name": "matt"}, {"name": "roscoe"}]


[{"name": name} for name in names]

is called List Comprehension. It is a convenient technique to generate new lists. In our case, we iterate over names with for name in names. On every iteration, name will have the current name corresponding to the iteration and we create a new dictionary with {"name": name}.

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