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Mod_wsgi Error - Class.__dict__ Not Accessible In Restricted Mode

This started biting our ass on our production server really hard. We saw this occasionally (for 1 request per week). Back then we found out it is because of mod_wsgi doing some fun

Solution 1:

It has been known for ages that multiple subinterpreters don't play well along C extensions. However, what I did not realize is that the default settings are very unfortunate. ModWSGI wiki clearly states that the default value for WSGIApplicationGroup directive is %{RESOURCE} the effect of which shall be that

The application group name will be set to the server hostname and port as for the %{SERVER} variable, to which the value of WSGI environment variable SCRIPT_NAME is appended separated by the file separator character.

This means that for each Host: header ever encountered while accessing the server the mod_wsgi kindly spawns a new subinterpreter, for which the C extensions are then loaded.

I had unknowingly triggered the error by accessing localhost.invalid:81 with links browser on this local server causing 1 of our 4 WSGIDaemonProcesses to fail for all future incoming requests.

Summa summarum: always when using mod_wsgi with pyramid or any other framework that uses C extensions, make sure that WSGIApplicationGroup is always set to %{GLOBAL}. In other words, the result of using the default settings will cause you to shoot yourself in the foot, after which you might want to shoot yourself in the head too.

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