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Selenium Python - Headless Chrome Not Copying To Clipboard

I am doing a script to run Python Selenium and copy some content to clipboard. It has been working nice until I ran it in headless mode. Now it does not copy the text to the clipbo

Solution 1:

Answering my own question because some people in the future mught have the same issue... From the results from my searches I think that this is a bug in Windows because I saw someone saying that in MAC OS headless mode and copy/paste from clipboard works fine.

I tried to use find_by_...('thing here').text but in my case this was not working, that's why I was copying it to clipboard.

Anyways, if this is actually a bug from Windows I would give a try to other browsers (I need this to be Chrome because I am doing a tool for the company and everybody here uses Chrome).

I did not find a solution, I just cut part of my code out since the copy to clipboard part is only usefull for a few people (so these people are gonna run without the headless mode).

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