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How To Get The Output Of A Matlab Script In Python

I am performing a matlab calculation through python. For this purpose, I use the following command:['matlab','-nosplash','nodesktop','-wait','-r','run('matl

Solution 1:

I suggest you use Popen. I don't have matlab, so I can't test your exact command, but try this:

import subprocess

cmd = ["matlab", "-nosplash", "no desktop", "-wait", "r", "run('matlabscript.m')","quit;"]

proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, error) = proc.communicate()

    print"error:", errorprint"output:", output

# if you need this:
retcode = proc.returncode

If a huge amount of output is produced then this could potentially crash, its a judgement only you can make.

Note that subprocess.communicate() is also used for stdin.

Solution 2:

You could use subprocess.check_output which will wait for the result:


Solution 3:

If you're using Matlab >= R2014b, you can simply use the Matlab Engine for Python provided by Mathworks.

>>>import matlab.engine>>>worker = matlab.engine.start_matlab()>>>a = worker.eval('rand(10,10)')>>>print(a)

As an alternative, switch to GNU Octave and simple use Oct2Py.

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