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Open Spyder In Ubuntu

I want to open spyder(Python IDE) in ubuntu. Normally I would write 'spyder' in the shell, and it would open the spyder IDE. Now when I write spyder in the shell, it just new lines

Solution 1:

If typing "spyder" doesn't work, you might want to try typing "spyder3" in case you installed the spyder3 version. Below is what worked for me in my Ubuntu system.

To install spyder via pip (my python version is 3.6.2), I used:

 pip install spyder

Then, I had to install another package:

 pip install PyQtWebEngine

Finally, to open the Spyder window, I typed into my terminal:


Solution 2:

You may simply have to update spyder.

If you are NOT using anaconda:

pip install --update spyder

Or, if you are in anaconda:

conda update spyder

I had the same issue as yours, with also a message in the command line saying:

Spyder is already running. If you want to open a new 
instance, please pass to it the --new-instance option

The above update allowed me to open spyder from the command line.

Solution 3:

I had this problem as well, and found this post on it in an askubuntu forum. It suggested using sudo apt-get purge spyder to delete any faulty configuration files and then reinstall with sudo apt-get install spyder. I found it worked, and spyder reopened with my previous files on the text editor.

Solution 4:

in Ubuntu, just go to your,

cd home/<your account> 

then go to .spyder2 folder

cd spyder2 

should get you there

in terminal, type la in terminal(ls doesn't show the hidden files ) and use,

rm -f spyder.lock

to delete

Solution 5:

To lauch spyder in basn console, just enter:

spyder .

in the bash console.

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