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Python Get A List Of A File's Group_id Permissions In Windows?

I was able to do this for Linux in a minute, but for the life of me I can't find an answer for Windows. I tried os.stat, but from what I understand the module may not work properly

Solution 1:

After research of internet i have found one solution. (

import os, sys
import win32security

dacl = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo (path,
).GetSecurityDescriptorDacl ()

for n_ace inrange (dacl.GetAceCount ()):
    ace = dacl.GetAce (n_ace)
    sid = ace[-1] 
    name, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountSid (None, sid)

    print("%s \\%s " % (domain, name)

Solution 2:

This seems to get the info that I want.

import win32net
importwin32securitysecurity_descriptor= win32security.GetFileSecurity("my\\path", win32security.GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION)

win32security.LookupAccountSid(win32net.NetGetAnyDCName(), security_descriptor.GetSecurityDescriptorGroup())

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