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How Can You Extract Hardware Id Using Python?

How do you extract an HD and Bios Unique ID, using python script?

Solution 1:

Go Get Microsoft's Scriptomatic

Run it, Select the appropriate class from the dropdown (WIN32_BIOS)

It will produce the necessary Python/WMI code for you. (It will also generate VBScript, Perl, and JScript)

Solution 2:

Solutions that come to my mind:

  1. use Win32 Python Extensions and call Windows APIs to do that directly
  2. Use a WMI-wrapper for Python

(some WMI interface code for reference)

Edit: I assumed your OS was MS Windows :)

Solution 3:

On Linux, look in the /proc directory. You'll have to parse the files to find what you are looking for.

This might help.

Solution 4:

Try this library: Hardware ID Extractor

Small description of the tool:

The Hardware ID Extractor is a Microsoft Windows program that shows data about your computer's hardware:

Hard disk:

  • Hard drive ID (unique hardware serial number written in drive's IDE electronic chip)

  • Partition ID (volume serial number)


  • CPU ID (unique hardware ID)
  • CPU vendor
  • CPU running speed
  • CPU theoretic speed

Physical memory:

  • Memory Load ( Total memory used in percentage (%) ) *Total Physical ( Total physical memory in bytes ) *Avail Physical ( Physical memory left in bytes ) *Total PageFile ( Total page file in bytes ) *Available PageFile( Page file left in bytes ) *Total Virtual( Total virtual memory in bytes ) *Available Virtual ( Virtual memory left in bytes )

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