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The Best Way To Use Python As A Server Scripting Language For Use On Localhost

relatively long-time PHP user here. I could install XAMPP in my sleep at this point to the point where I can get a PHP script running in the browser at 'localhost', but in my searc

Solution 1:

well mod_python has been retired. So in order to host python apps you want mod_wsgi

But python isn't really like php(as in you mix it with html to get output, if I understand your question correctly). In learning python, using the command line/repl will probably be much more useful/straight forward I would think. If you are looking for python as primarily web development you should look into django ( as that might be closer to what you are looking for..

Solution 2:

Most Python webframeworks have a built-in minimal development server:

But don't be afraid of the command line. Python has a great interactive console (just run python) and there's an even better one: IPython.

Solution 3:

Many options, here are a couple:

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