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Dropout Entire Input Layer

Suppose I have two inputs (each with a number of features), that I want to feed into a Dropout layer. I want each iteration to drop out a whole input, with all of its associated fe

Solution 1:


Seems like I misunderstood your question, here is the updated answer based on your requirement.

To achieve what you want, x and y effectively become the timesteps, and according to Keras documentation, noise_shape=(batch_size, 1, features) if your input shape is (batch_size, timesteps, features):

x = Input((15,1))  # 15 features for the 1st input
y = Input((15,1))  # 15 features for the 2nd input
xy = concatenate([x, y])

dropout_layer = Dropout(rate=0.5, noise_shape=[None, 1, 2])(xy)

To test that you are getting the correct behavior, you can inspect the intermediate xy layer and dropout_layer using the following code (reference link):

### Define your model ###from keras.layers import Input, concatenate, Dropout
from keras.models import Model
from keras import backend as K

# Learning phase must be set to 1 for dropout to work

x = Input((15,1))  # 15 features for the 1st input
y = Input((15,1))  # 15 features for the 2nd input
xy = concatenate([x, y])

dropout_layer = Dropout(rate=0.5, noise_shape=[None, 1, 2])(xy)

model = Model(inputs=[x,y], output=dropout_layer)

# specify inputs and output of the model

x_inp = model.input[0]                                           
y_inp = model.input[1]
outp = [layer.output for layer in model.layers[2:]]        
functor = K.function([x_inp, y_inp], outp)

### Get some random inputs ###import numpy as np

input_1 = np.random.random((1,15,1))
input_2 = np.random.random((1,15,1))

layer_outs = functor([input_1,input_2])
print('Intermediate xy layer:\n\n',layer_outs[0])
print('Dropout layer:\n\n', layer_outs[1])

You should see that the entire x or y are dropped randomly (50% chance) per your requirement:


 [[[0.32093528 0.70682645][0.46162075 0.74063486][0.522718   0.22318116][0.7897043  0.7849486 ][0.49387926 0.13929296][0.5754296  0.6273373 ][0.17157765 0.92996144][0.36210892 0.02305864][0.52637625 0.88259524][0.3184462  0.00197006][0.67196816 0.40147918][0.24782693 0.5766827 ][0.25653633 0.00514544][0.8130438  0.2764429 ][0.25275478 0.44348967]]]


 [[[0.         1.4136529 ][0.         1.4812697 ][0.         0.44636232][0.         1.5698972 ][0.         0.2785859 ][0.         1.2546746 ][0.         1.8599229 ][0.         0.04611728][0.         1.7651905 ][0.         0.00394012][0.         0.80295837][0.         1.1533654 ][0.         0.01029088][0.         0.5528858 ][0.         0.88697934]]]

If you are wondering why all the elements are multiplied by 2, take a look at how tensorflow implemented dropout here.

Hope this helps.

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