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Combining For Loop Iterations Into A Single Line And No Match Handling

Probably a very basic question but hoping someone can help out. I have the following: query = ['whole regular milk', 'gatorade is better', 'whole almond chocolate milk', 'chocolat

Solution 1:

If your input is already a datarframe, you can do the whole thing in the dataframe level:

import re

query = ['whole regular milk', 'gatorade is better',
         'whole almond chocolate milk', 'chocolate milk', 'wholes']

types = [{'type': t, 'regex': re.compile(r'\b{}\b'.format(t))}
         for t in ['whole', 'regular', 'chocolate']]

df = pd.DataFrame({'Query': query})

def check(q):
    return ' | '.join(type_info['type'] for type_info in types
                      if type_info['regex'].findall(q))

df['Type'] = df['Query'].apply(check)


#                           Query                Type
#  0           whole regular milk     whole | regular
#  1           gatorade is better                   
#  2  whole almond chocolate milk   whole | chocolate
#  3               chocolate milk           chocolate
#  4                       wholes                            

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