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Configparser With Unicode Items

my troubles with ConfigParser continue. It seems it doesn't support Unicode very well. The config file is indeed saved as UTF-8, but when ConfigParser reads it it seems to be encod

Solution 1:

The ConfigParser.readfp() method can take a file object, have you tried opening the file object with the correct encoding using the codecs module before sending it to ConfigParser like below:

cfg.readfp("myconfig", "r", "utf8"))

For Python 3.2 or above, readfp() is deprecated. Use read_file() instead.

Solution 2:

In python 3.2 encoding parameter was introduced to read(), so it can now be used as:"myconfig", encoding='utf-8')

Solution 3:

Try to overwrite the write function in RawConfigParser() like this:

defwrite(self, fp):
    """Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state."""if self._defaults:
        fp.write("[%s]\n" % "DEFAULT")
        for (key, value) in self._defaults.items():
            fp.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
    for section in self._sections:
        fp.write("[%s]\n" % section)
        for (key, value) in self._sections[section].items():
            if key == "__name__":
                continueif (value isnotNone) or (self._optcre == self.OPTCRE):
                iftype(value) == unicode:
                    value = ''.join(value).encode('utf-8')
                    value = str(value)
                value = value.replace('\n', '\n\t')
                key = " = ".join((key, value))
            fp.write("%s\n" % (key))

Solution 4:

Seems to be a problem with the ConfigParser version for python 2x, and version for 3x is free of this problem. In this issue of the Python Bug Tracker, the status is Closed + WONTFIX.

I've fixed it editing the file. In the write method (about the line 412), change:

key = " = ".join((key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')))


key = " = ".join((key, str(value).decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '\n\t')))

I don't know if it's a real solution, but tested in Windows 7 and Ubuntu 15.04, works like a charm, and I can share and work with the same .ini file in both systems.

Solution 5:

what I did is just:

file_name = file_name.decode("utf-8")

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