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Sqlalchemy Equivalent Of Django Orm's Relationship-spanning Filter

This example is from the Django documentation. Given the (Django) database model: class Blog(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Entry(models.Model):

Solution 1:

I also always dreamed of having Django-like "magic joins". I'm familiar with sqlalchemy-django-query it, I found that it's not powerful enough for my tasks.

That's why I created

It works similar to sqlalchemy-django-query but has more additional features (here's a comparison). Also it's well tested and documented.

Solution 2:

How about:

session.query(model.Entry).join((model.Blog,'Beatles Blog').all()

Solution 3:

Already late to the party, but i stumbled across this:

This tries to build queries using the django notation.

From the docs: Post.query.filter_by(pub_date__year=2008)

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