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The Height And Width Can't Be Adjusted When I Change The Size

from tkinter import * win = Tk() win.title('McDonald ordering system') win.geometry('600x300') lbtitle = Label(win,text='Welcome to McDonald',bg='yellow') lbtitle.grid(row=0,co

Solution 1:

As you wrote in your question you imported Frame through from tkinter import *. So you don't need to import it again.

To make the window visible add win.mainloop() at the end of your script.


This is how your program looks like on my system when executing it from the terminal (and having win.mainloop() at the end of the script).

enter image description here

Update 2:

I've changed this section by removing columnspan from the label and disabling resizing of the frame with grid_propagate:

lbtitle = Label(win,text='Welcome to McDonald',bg='yellow')

f1 = Frame(win,bd=2,width=200,height=250,relief=GROOVE)

f2 = Frame(win,bd=2,width=200,height=250,relief=GROOVE)

f3 = Frame(win,bd=2,width=200,height=250,relief=GROOVE)

The results looks like this:

enter image description here

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