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Why Am I Getting A Column Does Not Exist Error When It Does Exist? I Am Modifying The Flask Tutorial

I have a column named ticker_symbol, but I am getting a error when I run the error that there is no such column. Here is my code so far. It is similar to the Flask tutorial

Solution 1:

Run the init-db command again to recreate the database when you change the schema.

$ flask init-db

Alternative execute

Can you please try the following

ticker_symbol = company_database.execute(
            'SELECT * FROM ticker_symbols WHERE ticker_symbol=:my_selector', 
            {"my_selector": ticker_symbol}

I think that your variable ticker_symbol causes the problem. See here (Python Doc) and here (sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column:) for details.

Also make sure that you have actually created you table, as pointed out above by a comment.

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