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Python, Sqlite3: Cursor Returns Duplicates When A Commit Intervenes

This Python code creates a table, inserts three rows into it and iterates through the rows, with intervening commits before the cursor has been fully exhausted. Why does it return

Solution 1:

Your followup comment disturbed me (particularly because it was clear you were right). So I spent some time studying the source code to the python _sqlite.c library (

I think the problem is how the sqlite Connection object is handling cursors. Internally, Connection objects maintain a list of cursors AND prepared statements. The nested db.execute('INSERT ...') call resets the list of prepared statements associated to the Connection object.

The solution is to not rely on the shortcut execute() method's automatic cursor management, and to explicitly hold a reference to the running Cursor. Cursors maintain their own prepared statement lists which are separate from Connection objects.

You can either explicitly create a cursor OR invoke fetchall() on the db.execute() call. Example of the later:

import sqlite3 as sq

db = sq.connect(':memory:')

db.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (col INTEGER)')
db.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl2 (col INTEGER)')
db.executemany('INSERT INTO tbl (col) VALUES (?)', [(0,), (1,), (2,)])

print('count=' + str(db.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM tbl').fetchone()[0]))

# Read andprint the values just inserted into tbl
for col in db.execute('SELECT col FROM tbl').fetchall():
    db.execute('INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (?)', col)

print('count=' + str(db.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM tbl').fetchone()[0]))

The output is as expected:


If the fetchall() approach is memory prohibitive, then you may need to fall back to relying on isolation between two database connections ( Example:

db1 = sq.connect('temp.db')

db1.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (col INTEGER)')
db1.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl2 (col INTEGER)')
db1.executemany('INSERT INTO tbl (col) VALUES (?)', [(0,), (1,), (2,)])

print('count=' + str(db1.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM tbl').fetchone()[0]))

db2 = sq.connect('temp.db')

# Read andprint the values just inserted into tbl
for col in db1.execute('SELECT col FROM tbl').fetchall():
    db2.execute('INSERT INTO tbl2 VALUES (?)', col)

print('count=' + str(db1.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM tbl').fetchone()[0]))

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