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How To Display The All Intervals In Colorbar Using Matplotlib

This is my code.I mentioned here 50 intervals,when i drag the slider then only i got 6 or 7 intervals,but i want to display the all my intervals in my colorbar. So can any one ple

Solution 1:

The argument to Slider called valfmt should be a string which is used to format the slider value.

So if you wanted to display 2 decimal places to the float you would need to make c_max = "%1.2f". Note that if you want to keep the minimum value at 0 you need to set that too in img.set_clim(0, _cmax)

c_max = "%1.2f"
img = ax.imshow(img_data, interpolation='nearest')
cb = plt.colorbar(img)
axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'
ax_cmax  = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03])
s_cmax = Slider(ax_cmax, 'max', 0, 50, valfmt=c_max)
def update(val, s=None):
    # _cmin = s_cmin.val
    _cmax = s_cmax.val
    img.set_clim(0, _cmax) 

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