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Showing posts from November, 2022

Integrate Google Plus Circles In App Engine?

I was wondering if there is a way to use google+ in a app engine app to create circles, add people … Read more Integrate Google Plus Circles In App Engine?

Import Error; No Module Named Quandl

I am am trying to run the Quandl module on a virtualenv which I have uninstalled packages only pand… Read more Import Error; No Module Named Quandl

Python Requests Login - The Login Page Returned Without An Error

I'm trying to login to a webpage using python requests and the result is the same login page, w… Read more Python Requests Login - The Login Page Returned Without An Error

Systematically Annotate A PDF

I have a large PDF file with several hundred pages. Each page of the PDF contains a chart and also … Read more Systematically Annotate A PDF

Subprocess Grab Stdout Of Airodump-ng

I am trying to grab the stdout from airodump-ng using subprocess with no luck. I think my code caus… Read more Subprocess Grab Stdout Of Airodump-ng

TypeError: Object Of Type 'numpy.int64' Has No Len()

I am making a DataLoader from DataSet in PyTorch. Start from loading the DataFrame with all dtype … Read more TypeError: Object Of Type 'numpy.int64' Has No Len()

Algorithm For Filling A Surface Mesh

I have a point cloud which describes a closed surface mesh. I want to create a volume mesh out of t… Read more Algorithm For Filling A Surface Mesh

Tensor Multiplication With Numpy Tensordot

I have a tensor U composed of n matrices of dimension (d,k) and a matrix V of dimension (k,n). I w… Read more Tensor Multiplication With Numpy Tensordot

Divide Images Into Blocks And Compare Each Corresponding Block

Hi I have a set of images of size 200x200 and I want to divide these images into 10 blocks of size … Read more Divide Images Into Blocks And Compare Each Corresponding Block

Values Of QMessageBox.Yes/QMessageBox.No

I learn PyQt5 (which looks quite complicated for me) and I am wondering why QMessageBox.Yes(or no) … Read more Values Of QMessageBox.Yes/QMessageBox.No

Django Change Model's Field Type From CharField To JSONField

I am using Django 1.11 , I have been using CharField in Models, and dumping data in it using json.d… Read more Django Change Model's Field Type From CharField To JSONField

Create Dict With Multiple Values Out Of Two Lists. Group Multiple Keys Into One

I have two list: lists = ['a','b','c','d','e'] keys = [18,1… Read more Create Dict With Multiple Values Out Of Two Lists. Group Multiple Keys Into One

Parsing An Xml File For Unknown Elements Using Python ElementTree

I wish to extract all the tag names and their corresponding data from a multi-purpose xml file. The… Read more Parsing An Xml File For Unknown Elements Using Python ElementTree

Read Specific Bytes Of File In Python

I want to specify an offset and then read the bytes of a file like offset = 5 read(5) and then r… Read more Read Specific Bytes Of File In Python

Python: Split Numpy Array

I have an array produced by numpy which looks as follows: [ 54.51399994 -12.10200024 -11.88099957]… Read more Python: Split Numpy Array

Extract Number Between Text And | With RegEx Python

I want to extract the information between CVE and |, but only the first time that CVE appear in the… Read more Extract Number Between Text And | With RegEx Python

How To Get Rid Of Captha In Selenium?

When I want to login in google account using selenuim, captha is showing up. I use user-agent but i… Read more How To Get Rid Of Captha In Selenium?

Parsing Big Text File Using Regex

I have a huge text file (1 GB), where each 'line' is separated by ##. For example: ## sente… Read more Parsing Big Text File Using Regex

Concurrent SAX Processing Of Large, Simple XML Files?

I have a couple of gigantic XML files (10GB-40GB) that have a very simple structure: just a single … Read more Concurrent SAX Processing Of Large, Simple XML Files?

Using A For Loop To Print Each Item Of A List From An External File In Python

I am writing a program that reads a 2D list from a .txt file, and I'm trying to loop through th… Read more Using A For Loop To Print Each Item Of A List From An External File In Python

Performance In Different Vectorization Method In Numpy

I wanted to test the performance of vectorizing code in python: import timeit import numpy as np d… Read more Performance In Different Vectorization Method In Numpy

Make Bot Disconnect If It's Alone In A Voice Channel

Is there any way to disconnect the bot if it's alone on a voice channel? Is there any event tha… Read more Make Bot Disconnect If It's Alone In A Voice Channel

Suddenly I'm Getting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Is Not Defined When Using Runserver

The full error is: ImportError: Could not import settings 'app.settings' (Is it on sys.path… Read more Suddenly I'm Getting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Is Not Defined When Using Runserver

How To Hide The Main Window(parent) From Pop Up Window In PyQt5.?

I have a Main window from where I am calling Waiver window(popup). On clicking OK on Waiver popup, … Read more How To Hide The Main Window(parent) From Pop Up Window In PyQt5.?

Tf.GradientTape() Return None

I'm trying to calculate the gradient with tf.GradientTape. When I try to do it using as inputs … Read more Tf.GradientTape() Return None

TensorFlow - Dense Vector To One-hot

Suppose I have the following tensor: T = [[0.1, 0.3, 0.7], [0.2, 0.5, 0.3], [0.1, 0.1, 0.… Read more TensorFlow - Dense Vector To One-hot

In Python's Tkinter, How Can I Make A Label Such That You Can Select The Text With The Mouse?

In python's tkinter interface, is there a configuration option that will change a Label such th… Read more In Python's Tkinter, How Can I Make A Label Such That You Can Select The Text With The Mouse?